Saturday, February 1, 2025

Super Bowl LIX/59 on 2/9/2025!

Go TV ads. Too bad Adland closed down to get their them early. :(

Here's a link (maybe more in the future too) related to this poll (closes before/when the big game ends): See 15 Stunning Photos of Superb Owls to Kick Off This Year’s Super Bowl Weekend" -- "These snapshots of the majestic bird in flight and in trees will leave your soul soaring..."

-- 2/9/2025 7:23 PM PST: Poll is now closed, and here are the results from six voters. Superb( )Owls won. Will they win again next year? ;) Your overlord is slowing watching his digital video recorder (DVR)'s recording to see the interesting parts and not the boring game parts.


Ant said...

Even Dabitch lost interest in SB's TV ads. as shown in her blog. :(

Ant said...

Ouch. The scores. Poll might close sooner than usual! :(

Ant said...

Finished DVR's rec. Sheesh, boring game even didn't watch it. Half-time and pregame shows were bad. Commercials were actually decent.