Saturday, February 15, 2025

T(V/elevision) Listings: Past & Present

TV Tango has a television/"TV Listings: Past & Present". It can go all the way back to 1/1/1950! Wow, flashbacks to this couch, err chair potato used to watch during the rad(ical) 80s and up.

Gulf of (Map Explorer)

MapQuest's Gulf Of lets anyone "name your own gulf" like Gulf of AQFL. Seen on a followed Mastodon post.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

(En & De)code a message in an emoji / a standard alphabet letter.

05:53PM Mousey-{M}> i don't make frens easy. it's also weird for an MMO, mostly people don't trust each other
05:53PM Mousey-{M}> you might pick up someone, but as soon as you leave the station, you might get killed, and your ship
[05:55pm] Ant> ah
[05:56pm] * Ant unfriends Mousey-{M}
[05:56pm] Ant> j/k
[05:56pm] Ant> We can always play Pulsar. ;)
[05:56pm] Ant> But the problem is free time!
[05:56pm] Ant> :(
[05:56pm] * Ant still hasn't resumed his PC games.
[05:56pm] Ant> ugh
[05:56pm] Ant> I don't even have a job!
[05:56pm] Ant> +paid
[05:56pm] Ant> :(
06:00PM Mousey-{M}> πŸ˜Žσ „Έσ …Ÿσ …§σ „σ …“σ …Ÿσ …Ÿσ …œσ „σ …™σ …£σ „σ …€σ …˜σ …™σ …£σ „―︊
[06:00pm] Ant> ?
06:01PM Mousey-{M}>
06:01PM URL> [url] Hide a message in an emoji |
[06:02pm] Ant> πŸŒ™σ …©σ …Ÿσ …₯σ …’σ „σ …σ …Ÿσ …
[06:02pm] Ant> did that work?
[06:02pm] Ant> It didn't work for me.
06:02PM Mousey-{M}> it did work!
[06:02pm] Ant> oh it worked!!!!
[06:02pm] Ant> I did it wrong.
06:02PM Mousey-{M}> πŸŒˆσ „Ύσ „Ώσ „σ ……σ „‘
[06:03pm] Ant> Mousey++
06:03PM Flexo> Ant: Mousey now has -12 points!
[06:03pm] Ant> you get a point
[06:03pm] Ant> Was it from Mastodon?
[06:03pm] Ant> Why in here and not #linux?
[06:03pm] Ant> Man, I am going to have to use this for every emojis
[06:03pm] Ant> hahahahahaha
06:04PM Mousey-{M}>
06:04PM URL> [url] {Insert Pasta Pun}: "okay, this is kinda cool:
          πŸŒˆσ …€σ …’σ …‘σ …žσ …£σ „σ …’σ …™σ …—σ …˜σ …€σ …£σ „σ …‘σ …’σ …•σ „σ …˜σ …₯󠅝󠅑…" - LGBTQIA+ and
          Tech |
[06:04pm] Ant> aσ …‘σ …žσ …€
[06:04pm] Ant> damn
[06:04pm] Ant> this is rad
[06:04pm] Ant> Mousey++
06:04PM Flexo> Ant: Mousey now has -11 points!
[06:05pm] * Ant gets more work from Mousey-{M}
[06:05pm] Ant> thanks a lot buddy
[06:05pm] * Ant got distracted
[06:05pm] Ant> :P

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Super Bowl LIX/59 on 2/9/2025!

Go TV ads. Too bad Adland closed down to get their them early. :(

Here's a link (maybe more in the future too) related to this poll (closes before/when the big game ends): See 15 Stunning Photos of Superb Owls to Kick Off This Year’s Super Bowl Weekend" -- "These snapshots of the majestic bird in flight and in trees will leave your soul soaring..."

-- 2/9/2025 7:23 PM PST: Poll is now closed, and here are the results from six voters. Superb( )Owls won. Will they win again next year? ;) Your overlord is slowing watching his digital video recorder (DVR)'s recording to see the interesting parts and not the boring game parts.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Pdftris = Play Tetris game in a PDF doc.

Blue's News shared Tom's Hardware article that said "The classic Tetris game has been packaged into a portable document format (PDF) and dubbed Pdftris. The classic falling blocks puzzler is claimed to be playable in most desktop browsers and, indeed, we successfully loaded and played the game in Firefox on personal computer (PC) simply by clicking the above link..."

Its controls were awful to end up with only 7/seven for the overlord's first game's score! :(

AQFL v1!

See it on Archive.Today from June 30th, 2012! :O For an example with your old overlord's (fir/1)st E3 visit back in 2014.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy new year!

This old ant got a severe achy tummy (not hungry, bloated, feel like (vomit/puk)ing, tired (can't sleep) and move much, etc. since evening last night and is still trying to recover. :( At least, no fever.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Louis Castle, cofounder of Westwood, long form interview...

Human Interact posted an almost two hours Westwood, of a long form interview -- "Louis Castle is the co-founder of the legendary game development company, Westwood Studios. Started back in 1985 originally known as Westwood Associates, Louis Castle took this humble game studio from a porting house on the Amiga and Macintosh 128K, to a RTS powerhouse of the IBM PC in the 90s. in this long form interview with Louis Castle, we ask him about the stories behind the games the Lion King, Blade Runner, Command and Conquer, and Monopoly. Each one of these games sold over a million units, and cemented Westwood Studios as a studio that redefined the games industry.

TITANS OF THE INDUSTRY is a long form documentary series where we interview the people who impacted the games industry. In this episode we interview Louis Castle, the co-founder of Westwood Studios..."

This is an amazing very long interview. Haha, they ran out of Compact Disc-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM)s for their first C&C game. Thanks God I bought it right away with a couple college/university friends at a local Egghead Software (rest in peace (RIP)) store with its full retail price! The video cutscenes engineering part was interesting like those people in the demo scenes. Even George Lucas was impressed with E3 demo. :O