Two cool web sites to check out:
Cannot Unsee -- "Once you see some things, you cannot unsee them".
Bird and Moon -- "Comics showing "science and nature cartoons".
Two cool web sites to check out:
Cannot Unsee -- "Once you see some things, you cannot unsee them".
Bird and Moon -- "Comics showing "science and nature cartoons".
Blue's News and National Public Radio (NPR) mentioned Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards showing funny photo(graph)s of animals.
Instagram has "The Baby Superstar ... Welcome to the kindergarten of the superstars."
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell' YouTube channel shows "Animation videos explaining things with optimistic nihilism since 12,013. We’re a team of illustrators, animators, number crunchers and one dog who aim to spark curiosity about science and the world we live in. To us nothing is boring if you tell a good story..."
Lots of smooth and pretty animations. The best episodes are the ones with ants!
Q: Where did cybersecurity team go the last few days?
A: They ran-some-ware.
From a LinkedIn post
11/9/2022 3:46 PM PST: Your old insect's forum thread has more.
... 17:00 < Mousey[m]> ...OK, off again for now.
... 07:18AM m> Tarzan (> 07:18AM URL> [url] Free Online Color Challenge and Hue Test; X-Rite | 07:18AM [07:19am] * BetaAnt denies its cookie requests. [07:19am] BetaAnt> eh my monitor isn't great and using VGA. 07:20AM Tarzan> so you're on hard mode 07:21AM Tarzan> you're up early Ant [07:21am] BetaAnt> duh, scroll up. 07:21AM Bender> You should scroll up. ;P [07:21am] * BetaAnt slept like 8 hrs. [07:21am] BetaAnt> And my back hurts from it. :( [07:21am] BetaAnt> I remember this color test from many years ago. [07:22am] BetaAnt> Wow. 0. [07:23am] BetaAnt> " [07:23am] BetaAnt> Score: 0 [07:23am] BetaAnt> Gender Male [07:23am] BetaAnt> Select Age Range 40 - 49 [07:23am] BetaAnt> Best Score for your Gender 0 [07:23am] BetaAnt> Worst Score for your Gender 1700045439 [07:23am] BetaAnt> About your score: A lower score is better, with ZERO being a perfect score. The circle graph displays the regions of the color spectrum where your hue discrimination is low. [07:23am] BetaAnt> " [07:23am] BetaAnt> I guess my old compund eyes and display setups are still good! [07:24am] BetaAnt> Tarzan++ 07:24AM Bender> BetaAnt: Tarzan now has -22 points! [07:24am] BetaAnt> I'm hungry! [07:24am] BetaAnt> Please feed me. [07:24am] BetaAnt> MEOW 07:24AM Tarzan> Holey crap Ant 07:24AM Tarzan> thats awesome! ... has free (online and downloadable to computers' Windows, macOS, and Linux) "Cardinal Chains -- A minimalist puzzle game centering on the concept of non-decreasing sequences. Each puzzle begins with a monochrome grid of numbers, plus a few colored cells marked with an X. Starting at these cells, you must link up numbers in non-decreasing order until the whole grid is filled with color..."
Your overlord got up to level 35 before giving up.
Seen on Game Bundle News.
Adland (its Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and Twitter feeds) already has many videos of 2022 Super Bowl LVI/56 T(el(evision/ly)/V) (Commercial/Spot/Ad(verisement)s.
Also, go Los Angeles (L.A.) Rams! :O
Up Left Out is "a puzzle game about unlocking stuff. As always it's a minimal experience with no text at all. Free web version with totally different levels:"
Your old school gamer got up to level 9/nine (the online version doesn't show its number) and gave up after getting stuck on how to start. :(